Luxxe Loves | A September Top 5

Ahh September, my favorite month!  My 23rd birthday was at the beginning of the month and I still can't believe I've become a year older. I know 23 is still technically young, but..... still one year older. Anyways, lets get to the point of this post. This month I fell in love with some new skincare products that I just can't get enough of. I briefly talked about how my skin has been quite unruly & told you how I've been getting rid of the annoying pimples that have randomly been popping up on my face, but I decided to slow down on the makeup spending (I got sad typing that) & start focusing on skincare.

Nip and Fab
Nip & Fab Skin - Glycolic Fix Overnight Purifying Gel
I have pretty dry skin & finding a night time moisturizer has been a bit difficult. I am SO glad I found this! This give just the right amount of moisture to my skin without feeling too oily and it absorbs into my skin like a dream. If I use this at night, by morning,  the Overnight Purifying Gel has left my skin smooth and glowing.
Nip and Fab

Nip & Fab - Glycolic Fix Night Pads Extreme
Do you all remember when Stridex pads were the "it" product for acne? Well this reminds me of them before they changed the formula 100 times. I am really big on how a product smells; that may be a little weird, but my philosophy is, "if it smells like chemicals it's most likely too harsh for my sensitive skin". Instead of smelling like chemicals, this smells like a mix between grapefruit & oranges, and trust me when I say, these pads are as wonderful as they smell! I find that these are great when using every other night and go perfectly with the Overnight Purifying Gel. If you're looking for something to unclog your pores, this gets the job done. It's not an overnight cure, but it works. They also make a less extreme version for those of you with sensitive skin.
Rose Water

Rose Water 
OMG why haven't I heard of this years ago! I love this stuff. I've tried 100% Natural Rose Water from the international market as well as a brand from the Vitamin Shoppe. I personally prefer the 100% Rose water and have found it to be more effective. I spray this on my face after using my cleanser and my skin feels so refreshed and may I mention, the smell is phenomenal!
Mink Brown
Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick - Mink Brown
I featured this gorgeous lipstick, in a FOTD post yesterday, and I still can't put it down! I have been loving various shades of brown lipstick as of late and this shade is so unique! It's brown with a hint of orange and its absolutely stunning on.
Elf Smudge Pot
Elf Smudge Pot - Brownie Points
Elf has a few hits and misses, and this one is a score in my book. This beautiful metallic bronze eyeshadow slides on very smoothly & lasts for a while. I used it here and fell head over heels in love with it and I've been wearing it to work everyday since. I must also add that this eyeshadow contains vitamin E; not only is it pretty, it's beneficial to the eye area as well. Bonus Brownie Points!

That's all for this month! Since I ranted and raved about skincare this month, would you like to see a skincare routine? Let me know in the comments!

Luxxe Loves | A September Top 5 Luxxe Loves | A September Top 5 Reviewed by Unknown on 9:15 AM Rating: 5


  1. The elf pot looks so nice! I must pick that up my next trip to the drugstore.
    Rita x

  2. I'm obsessed with the gel! If you pick it up, I hope you love it as much as I do :)


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